By Merchants, For Merchants
The Best Payment Solutions for Micro Businesses

bayarlah All Can Scan
bayarlah QR accepts various e-Wallets and Bank Apps for payments.
Approved & Recommended by Bank Negara Malaysia.
Confirm power 'lah'
Easy Tools Make Business Easy.
Explore bayarlah Features
Real time notification
Voice & message notification
Prevent Scam & fraud

Increase Security
On-the-spot problem solving
Representation to recover missing transaction
Time saving

Representation on Transaction Disputes
Unique merchant app
Detailed transactions
Downloadable & printable statement

Complimentary Business Management System
1. QR code provided on-the- spot
2. Fast activation
3. Fast turn around in problem solving

Fast and Immediate Problem Solving
1. Integrate multiple outlets
2. Integrate multiple business
3. No extra charges

Complimentary Outlet Management and Integration System
1. Accepts multiple QRs and e- Wallets
2. Convenience for merchants
3. Avoid confusion due to multiple individual payment gateways

Universal Receiver
Diff. QR for diff. shifts
Prevent money loss
Effective tracking for shift based business

Unique Shift
Management System